Saturday, November 14, 2009

Oh Lord Help Us!

No, I am not talking about Charlie. I'm talking about the most recent platoon to return from the field! I have never scene a dirtier group of men in my life, and I'm not talking about their hygiene. Lieutenant Cross, their leader and a pal of mine, isn't so bad, but the first thing he did was head to the R&R club. I didn't see him until four hours later when he was basically being carried out by Rat and Kiowa. He kept saying "It was my fault. My fault. Damn love and damn girls who play volleyball."

He's guilting. It's a term some of the other nurses and I made up about the soldiers who come back from the field after loosing a comrade. There's not much anyone can say or do, and it just makes me sure glad that I am here helping to save lives.

I admit, I am sad, too. Ted Lavender was brought in last week and didn't even survive the chopper ride to the base. I didn't know him well, he was usually on some type of drug, and once he grabbed my bottom. He swore up and down it was an accident. Well, I set him strait with a quick slap across his face. After that he was as polite and proper as a church alter boy 'round me and the other gals.

I was sad to learn about his death.

Rat Kiley is still chasing me! I admit he is a cutie, and he is a medic so we have lots to talk about. He had Kiowa give me an Indian blessing that is supposed to keep me safe whenever I face danger. I think it's these poor boys who need the blessing.

Well, they were up all night hootin' and hollerin' and running around drunk and half naked just happy to be out o the jungle. The Sergent had to step in when the boys started playing hot potato with Kiowa's hunting hatchet! I mean, they are just children. For crying out loud, Norman Bowker wears his girlfriend's pantyhose around his neck because he thinks they are good luck!

Despite their boyishness, we gals like to see them return, still spirited. Still hopeful.

I see too many wounded come in whose eyes are empty. What they saw pierced their souls, and they will never be boys again.

Well, I am doing okay. I work long every day, but I feel like I am making a difference.

Happy birthday Grandma Piercy! If I was there I would make you a fresh peach pie and take you to lunch at Lou's Steak Shack.


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